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7 Day Journey!

Hi everyone! I invite you to check out my new website at

I will begin posting to the new site beginning on Monday, October 19th. As a token of gratitude for taking this journey with me, I would like to offer you a complimentary copy of my latest development entitled:

7 Days to Achieving Success through Peaceful Empowerment.

This is a program that serves as a foundation for transformation in your life. In order to create successful moments, your every action and intention must be established in Peace. During this week-long experience you will Affirm for Success, Meditate for Peace and Visualize for Empowerment. Practicing this series of techniques in unison has remarkable benefits.

Are you ready to:

  1. Change your life by intentionally choosing to focus on those things that enhance your well-being
  2. Open yourself up to a world of new possibility
  3. Dismiss old mindsets and life limiting belief systems
If you answer yes to any of these questions, this tool is for you.
Grab your complimentary copy of 7 Days to Achieving Success through Peaceful Empowerment by clicking the link below to begin living the life that you were meant to live.
Peace and Wellness!
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There is Peace in your Purpose

I Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of Confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”

There’s power in your purpose.

What could be better than being in tune with God’s thoughts about your life and actually doing the work that he has called you to perform.

There’s peace in your purpose.

Imagine having clear vision, intentional actions and a desire to please God! What could be more peaceful?

There’s position in your purpose

Now imagine a purpose unfulfilled. Think about the countless number of people who would be unable to fulfill their purpose simply because you chose not to fulfill yours.

That’s how it is. There’s community and fellowship in each purpose. Your next door neighbor could be dependent upon you or it could be someone on the other side of the world. Whatever the case may be, our purposes are connected.

Eliminate the confusion by serving your purpose. God would never give you an assignment that he hasn’t gifted you to fulfill. God wouldn’t confuse you like that. You are well equipped to handle any assignment that has been sent your way.

You have a purpose to fulfill and your purpose is connected to others.

Do you work and serve your purpose.

Successful Moments thru Peaceful Empowerment,


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God’s Hand of Blessing

Psalm 18:35 NIV You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great.

I’ve often referred to the Hand of God as my hand of protection. It wasn’t until reading a recent devotional from Pastor Joel Osteen that I began to meditate on the phrase “God’s Hand of Blessing.” I’ve witnessed countless interventions in which God has protected me from dangers seen and unseen but somehow my mind always connected those valiant acts of kindness as protection instead of blessings.

Several weeks ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and much to my delight, I was diagnosed in the very early stages of development (blessing). On April 8, 2015, I had planned to spend a fun-filled spring break day with my daughter but God had other plans for me (blessing). For several weeks I had experienced a constant nudging to have a mammogram performed (blessing). I’m so thankful that I obeyed the Lord’s instructions, which led me to the local mammogram mobile unit in my community and several follow-up appointments (blessing).

I’m ecstatic over these series of events because: 1. I didn’t have an authorized referral to get a mammogram, but God saw fit to give me favor with the nurses and they granted me access to what I needed. 2. Through numerous test and observations, it was concluded that the cancerous cells were confined to one location. 3. I was able to have genetics counseling which paved the way for my daughter and future grandchildren to be aware of any threats. and 4.I’ve learned the value of true friendship. I understand now more than ever why it is important to surround yourself with wise counsel. We all need friends to laugh with but we also need those friends that will cry with us, pray with us, encourage us and hold our hand as we take a walk of faith through a stormy season.

I’m so thankful for the many blessings that God has given me by simply waving his hand in my direction! To God be the Glory!

Peace and Blessings,


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Remember to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 4th! Let your voice be heard or be prepared to let others speak for you!

Click the link below to watch a video illustration of what it means to allow others to speak on your behalf.

If They Speak For Me

#IfTheySpeakForMe will the issues that are important to me be addressed?


