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Peace in the Imperfections

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

One the other side of Conflict is Peace.

While the two are in complete contrast with one another, they have a totally dependent relationship.

Think about it. If you never experienced Conflict you would have never known what Peace felt like and if you had never experienced Peace you would have no clue that Conflict even exists.

What if it were possible to have your Conflict and Peace meet one another to settle a few past issues? What if your self-doubt and insecurity could have a face-off with your confidence and well-being? What if you reached a place in life that was so freeing and so rewarding that you wanted to reach back to your old self and say, “it all worked out fine.”

Really, as a woman who has experienced quite a few conflicts in life, I think I owe it to my younger self to discuss those insecurities that were felt growing up. You know those things like never feeling good enough or pretty enough or smart enough or whatever enough.

Never ____ enough caused a lot of heartbreak for millions of little girls around the world, and it still does today.

If I could sit down with my younger self, I would give her the biggest hug and let her know that she turned out magnificent, flaws, scars, hurt feelings and all. The tears that were shed and the self-doubt that was experienced helped to propel her into a women with drive and motivation who was eager to succeed and do great things. I would let her know that on the other side of the Conflict she experienced, there is Peace in the imperfections.

So how about you? What internal discussions do you need to have and what past insecurities do you need to release? Are you holding on to self doubt and insecurity, unsure of your worth and purpose? It’s time to let it go and make Peace with the unknown. It all starts with having “peaceful intentions” for your life and those around you. When you make a solid choice to treat yourself better, there is nothing or no-one that can block you from receiving Peace.

May Peace and Grace be multiplied to you!

Peace and Wellness!


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Let Him Finish the Work

Philippians 1:6 NKJ-being confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
Life is full of processes, tasks and things to do. Some of these experiences will be pleasant while others will require a lot of energy to accomplish. When those challenging tasks come our way, we may be tempted to give up, quit or even fuss because we’re having to experience difficulty. I’ve learned that fussing, quitting and giving up only leave us incomplete. If we are going to grow and advance in life, we have to follow the process and do the work that is required. When we allow ourselves to give up we are not allowing Jesus to complete that which he started in us.
You may be familiar with titles such as; Happy Women Live Better by Valorie Burton and The Well-Spoken Woman by Christine K. Jahnke. It’s my belief that in order to live better we will first experience some bitter situations and to become well-spoken we may first be a little misrepresented and unclear.
How will we progress? We will let Jesus finish the work that he began in us.
As the bible says, “to one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag…each according to his own ability. You’ve been gifted according to your ability. Nothing that you face will be too hard for you to accomplish, you simply have to put in the work in order to see the results. Some of the results that you can expect to see by completing your work include:
1. Personal development
2. Better relationships
3. Higher Self-Esteem
Aren’t you ready for better? If so, allow Jesus to complete his work in you.
“If Jesus gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion. If only we’ll let him finish the work” -Beth Moore

Peace and Wellness,
SUGA Wellness Boutique