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Serene Surroundings

It is officially Spring and I am excited! I am jumping at the chance to create new experiences and to really show gratitude for all that I have and for all that I have overcome. Spring represents newness and rebirth to me. Some of my most challenging experiences have happened during the Spring season, which lead to a new perspective. I now view those experiences as methods that helped me to gain confidence and a new outlook on life. Now more than ever I am determined to live better, make smarter choices and to simply be happy.

It’s easy to overlook the need for change and understand when a fresh start is necessary. Falling into habit and sticking with the routine of how things are traditionally done is simple to do. It’s important for you to know that you are a unique and creative individual. You have the ingenuity and innovation to create space for new opportunities in your life. Maybe you’re just stuck and can’t figure out what’s next. Maybe you’ve told yourself numerous times that you’re not able or that you are incapable of achieving your dreams. Sometimes all it takes is some fresh perspective and a little readjusting.  Readjusting your mental space and your physical space. I appreciate when my space (both mental and physical) is conducive of peace and creativity. When I am at Peace in my space, I can work and create without feeling stifled, but when things are out-of-order, I am totally out of alignment. How about you? What are you looking forward to in this new season and what’s holding you back from going after it?
Many of my ideas are inspired while I am in my backyard, my sacred space. There’s this spot between two of my plum trees that provides me with peaceful and serene feelings. Where’s your space? Have you created a special place in your home or office that sparks your creativity. If you’re feeling stifled and your space is offering you everything but peace, it’s probably time to switch things up.   


I’ve created a free, easy to follow, six step checklist that will help you to create a more peaceful space. You definitely want to get your hands on it if you want to bring calm and relaxation into your midst. It might be just what you need to usher in the newness that Spring has to offer. Once you download your checklist and implement the changes, you will be on the right road to start creating new experiences. It doesn’t stop with your space, you have 8 areas of wellness that require attention. Your next step is to decide what new experiences you’re going to create and what does the process look like for you? Decide what brings you peace and then go get it! Peaceful Space

If you’re ready to do the work and design a more peaceful life, I would love to work with you and help discover your origins of peace. Schedule a Discovery Call by clicking the button below. Let 2019 be your year to succeed.  Schedule Appointment
