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The Peace Found In: Nah, Nope & Aht Aht!

However, you choose to articulate your No, rest assured it is a full, complete and empowering answer. No additives or sweeteners are required.

Nah, Nope, Aht Aht or Hell Naw! Whatever vernacular you choose, stand by it.

There are only so many meetings that you can take, a limited number of events that you can attend and a small number of responsibilities that you can give your full attention to.

If peace is what you seek, you have to be available to receive it. Make time for self-preservation and mental rejuvenation.

With February being the designated month for the collective to focus on Love, do that! Focus on Self-love, Sisterly-love, Passionate-love, Compassionate-love and of course Black-love!

Allow love to be your compass towards peace. Gravitate toward those people, places and feelings that provide you with genuine fulfillment, while saying No to those things that leave you feeling confused and depleted.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t work on things that you find challenging; I simply suggest you find a mentor or coach to help you get a handle on those things.

Now that you understand the empowerment in your No, let’s focus on a few things that you can say Yes to that will hopefully add peace to your life through expressive love toward self and others.

Consider trying a few of the activities listed below to help empower you toward self-preservation & mental rejuvenation:

  1. Sisterly Love: Reach out to a few of your good girlfriends and let them know that you appreciate having them in your life. If you didn’t know Galentine’s Day (2/13/22) is right around the corner. This day is the unofficial day that is set aside for you and your girls to get together and chop it up. Since Galentine’s Day is the same as Superbowl Sunday this year, slip away for some girl time. You can do a virtual or in-person brunch or afternoon gathering or drop a cute card in the mail. I’m sure they will appreciate the thought.
  2. Black Love: It’s Black History Month All Year but it’s officially recognized during the month of February. Hopefully you’re educated on Civil Rights History, Slavery Emancipation and well-known Black Inventors and Innovators. I challenge you to embrace a different perspective this time around. Take a few minutes to read or listen to:  The 1619 Project: Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renee Watson. I’m even sharing my Audible link with you to make it easy.  This quick read is told in a series of poems that create a narrative; the story opens with a young Black girl given a school assignment to trace her ancestry. Despondent, she tells her grandmother about her shame at being unable to complete the assignment. Grandma then tells the story of their ancestors. Refreshingly, that story starts pre-enslavement, in West Central Africa: “Their story does not begin / with whips and chains. / They had a home, a place, a land, / a beginning. / … / Before they were enslaved, they were / free.” Several spreads are dedicated to celebrating the ancestors’ language, skilled hands, sharp minds, joyful hearts, and amazing dancing.
  3. Compassionate Love: Show love by doing something for others. Visit for service ideas.
  4. Passionate Love: I’m not one for broadcasting my love life on social media but I wholeheartedly believe in making sure my partner feels validated. Do something meaningful for the one you love. Make that man feel special! Put that woman first! (LOL!) Do whatever you gotta do to keep the love alive.
  5. Self-Love: Take time for yourself. Slow down and do (or not do) all the things you love. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. A few examples of things that you can do for self-care are Spiritual Baths, Healing Rituals, or spending time with friends. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you can enjoy.

The activities listed above should get you well on your way to feeling rejuvenated and peaceful.

When you’re ready to tackle those challenges mentioned earlier, fill out the contact form below and I’ll help you work through it.

Don’t miss out on the following special offerings throughout the month of February:

Let’s Work!

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Happening Now: Resolve 2 Create!

Don’t miss out on these Personal & Professional Development Opportunities currently being offered in our Peace by Design Academy.

During the first quarter of the year Origins of Peace, LLC focuses on Mental Clarity. The following courses are being offered to help individuals, business owners and corporate clients gain mental clarity around work and life events that are important to them and their employees.


This Creative Thinking course is designed to teach tools and techniques on idea generation and effective solutioning. We’ll cover Design Thinking, Creative Conceptualization & Visualization as methods for effective oral and written communication.   Are you ready to gain clarity in your business or career? If so, this course will teach you how to get unstuck and make progress toward your next promotion or next business opportunity. Are you at a pivotal point personally and unsure of what’s next? You can use the concepts that I teach to help you visualize and manifest your next move.


This Conflict Resolution course is designed to teach individuals how to successfully navigate conflict at home and at work. You will learn how to build trust in your relationships and effectively build bonds with opposing parties.


This Leadership Empowerment Course is designed to reinforce the power of effective communication, accountability, learning and mentoring techniques to those in leadership positions. We will explore the following laws during this training session: The Law of Connection, The Law of Influence, The Law of the Inner Circle and The Law of Process.

All courses are offered individually or in a group setting, virtually or in-person at your location. A brief Consultation is required prior to scheduling your session. Use the contact form below for inquiries.

Origins of Peace, LLC is a Black Woman Owned Company. We appreciate referrals.