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Serene Surroundings

It is officially Spring and I am excited! I am jumping at the chance to create new experiences and to really show gratitude for all that I have and for all that I have overcome. Spring represents newness and rebirth to me. Some of my most challenging experiences have happened during the Spring season, which lead to a new perspective. I now view those experiences as methods that helped me to gain confidence and a new outlook on life. Now more than ever I am determined to live better, make smarter choices and to simply be happy.

It’s easy to overlook the need for change and understand when a fresh start is necessary. Falling into habit and sticking with the routine of how things are traditionally done is simple to do. It’s important for you to know that you are a unique and creative individual. You have the ingenuity and innovation to create space for new opportunities in your life. Maybe you’re just stuck and can’t figure out what’s next. Maybe you’ve told yourself numerous times that you’re not able or that you are incapable of achieving your dreams. Sometimes all it takes is some fresh perspective and a little readjusting.  Readjusting your mental space and your physical space. I appreciate when my space (both mental and physical) is conducive of peace and creativity. When I am at Peace in my space, I can work and create without feeling stifled, but when things are out-of-order, I am totally out of alignment. How about you? What are you looking forward to in this new season and what’s holding you back from going after it?
Many of my ideas are inspired while I am in my backyard, my sacred space. There’s this spot between two of my plum trees that provides me with peaceful and serene feelings. Where’s your space? Have you created a special place in your home or office that sparks your creativity. If you’re feeling stifled and your space is offering you everything but peace, it’s probably time to switch things up.   


I’ve created a free, easy to follow, six step checklist that will help you to create a more peaceful space. You definitely want to get your hands on it if you want to bring calm and relaxation into your midst. It might be just what you need to usher in the newness that Spring has to offer. Once you download your checklist and implement the changes, you will be on the right road to start creating new experiences. It doesn’t stop with your space, you have 8 areas of wellness that require attention. Your next step is to decide what new experiences you’re going to create and what does the process look like for you? Decide what brings you peace and then go get it! Peaceful Space

If you’re ready to do the work and design a more peaceful life, I would love to work with you and help discover your origins of peace. Schedule a Discovery Call by clicking the button below. Let 2019 be your year to succeed.  Schedule Appointment


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A Place To Breathe

Good Morning PeaceMakers. I pray that today holds all the peace, love and acceptance that your heart can hold.

If this is your first time on my site, My name is Melissa Rivers and I am a Creative Peace Designer. That means I use my gifts of creative writing & teaching to help others manage conflict and create mental space for more peaceful opportunities in their lives. My motto for today is: “peace starts with a made up mind.”

So let’s get to it:

My intent for this post – I’m writing this morning at 4:30 am because writing/ journaling settles my mind and helps me to organize my thoughts. I guess you could say that I am at peace when I create a short narrative, or inspirational message. Writing is one of my Origins of Peace and my place to breathe. It’s important for each of us to find what helps us breathe deeper and a little easier. The sweet aroma of creativity helps us not to take ourselves so seriously and as adults that can be hard to do.

What’s important for you to know: You gotta breathe. Close your eyes and visualize those activities that you participated in as a kid. Did you dance, sing or take piano lessons. Maybe it was art class or violin practice. Whatever it was, did it provide a few minutes of relief and escape for you? Along with writing, I absolutely loved ballet & gymnastics class. I can remember practicing my back-flip and no-hand cartwheels for hours on end. I’ve never really been great at ballet, but I can remember putting on my pink ballet slippers for the first time along with my white tights and black leotard. I was free to be me.

What matters: You were created to be serious and carefree at the same time. Life will impose it constraints and restrictions upon you but you cannot let that stop your creativity. Your foundational purpose is found in the weeds of your place to breathe and your responsibilities. Intentionally show up for yourself each day in a creative way. If not, you’ll get lost and be afraid of who you truly are. You have too much goodness, purity and creativity to be anyone other than yourself.  Show up for you & breathe.

I offer a session called Peace Mapping where I help you identify areas of conflict in your life and design a strategy that helps you to make different choices and create mental space for a more peaceful lifestyle. I would love to help you find your place to breathe.

To book a session, simply click here to get started.

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The Best Program I Ever Developed Turned Out To Be An Absolute Bust ☹

For months I spent countless hours praying, researching, developing and consulting to include the right content that would make my program memorable and successful.

In spite of my efforts, there were things that I missed. I failed to include some important factors, which turned out to be a major misstep for me.

The program that I am referring to is my wedding and subsequently, my marriage.

September 18, 2010 was supposed to be the beginning of a life full of wedded bliss for me. In spite of the time spent planning and preparing, things didn’t quite turn out the way that I envisioned.  Yes the ceremony took place and it was beautiful but the marriage didn’t last.

In hindsight, more time should have been spent understanding what I needed in a spouse and what would be required of me in order to have a successful marriage. Although I believe wholeheartedly in redemption, I can honestly say I consider this to be one of my biggest missed opportunities.

Can you relate? Have you ever exhausted all of your efforts and energy working on a ‘thing’ that didn’t turn out right? Are you tired of starting a project but never seeing it through to completion? Like years in the past, did you set goals for 2019 but have no idea how you’re going to accomplish them?

I believe that all things start from within and now is the perfect time to start fresh. In order to properly set my intentions toward success in 2019, I am dedicating three days to fasting, prayer & meditation, visualization and affirmations.

I invite you to join me.

Beginning January 14th, we will spend the first 20 minutes of each day with scriptures, affirmations and guided words for visualization that promote success, empowerment and completion.

I will post the affirmation cards on Sunday, January 13th at midnight. If you’re in, comment on the post or shoot me an email at

You owe it to yourself to finish what you’ve started.

Let’s do this!

Much Love,



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My Soul Says Yes

Being emotionally well means that you have the ability to be aware of and accept your feelings, rather than deny them. You’re attentive to your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, both positive and negative.

I work with many women who carry an immense amount of guilt for various reasons. They feel guilty for settling in life, love and career. They feel guilty for occasionally wanting to choose themselves and say no to the demands of others. They feel guilty for wanting to be number one but always settling for a lower position.

This guilt carries a lot of weight and many adverse affects. Before you know it, feelings of stress and overwhelm consume you and you’ve lost your true self. You’re no longer the bold and confident woman that you once were.

When is enough…enough? When is it okay to put yourself first? Do you even know how to ask for better treatment and what does better treatment look like for you?

My goal as a Peace Coach is to help re-write your personal narrative. If you’re currently living a life that is not authentic to who you truly are, allow me to help you find your “Origins of Peace.”

Your “Origins of Peace” are the fundamental necessities that keep you grounded and at ease. The circumstances of life tend to make us forget what makes us happy, peaceful and full of joy. I can help you reconnect the dots.

If you are experiencing a disconnect in your life, start by reciting the Personal Plea below to make room for peace in your life.

Personal Plea

It’s me oh Lord. Standing in the need of being free from myself. Free from fear, self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. These feelings have prevailed for far too long.

No longer do I want to worry about trivial matters that highjack my attention and hold my emotions hostage.

Today I will focus on calming the noise, accepting my vulnerabilities and being free to explore new perspectives.

No more mental battles. No more thoughts of defeat.

No more.

My Soul says yes to change. Restore my compassion towards myself. Renew my mind from crippling information. Touch me so that I am made whole.

I am strong and mighty in the earth. I have purpose and a mission to complete.

Thank you God for leading the way.

Much Love,


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Be A Living Demonstration

Starting the New Year with renewed perspective. “It’s not always about what you do. Oftentimes it’s about how you do it.” Here’s to a year of saying yes to yourself and no to what you simply don’t want to do.🎉

” We carry the message in many small, subtle, but powerful ways. We do our own-recovery work and become a living demonstration of hope, self-love, comfort and health. These quiet behaviors can be a powerful message.” – The Language of Letting Go (Melody Beattie)

The best way to make an impact on others is to be a living demonstration of the message you want to communicate.

Many talk about self-love in public but fail to demonstrate it in their private lives.

A thorough self-love routine can include pampering and relaxation but more importantly it should involve setting boundaries, making time for self and doing things that promote positive mental and physical health.

Setting boundaries is how we demonstration our love of self to others. If we’re constantly saying yes, over-extending ourselves and repeatedly putting the needs of others ahead of our own, we’ve failed to establish necessary boundaries in our lives. The problem with always being available and always saying yes is that you eliminate time to be still and self-evaluate. If you’re constantly chasing everyone else’s needs you could miss those internal signals that alert you when things are going wrong internally.

The best way to set personal boundaries is to ask yourself a few questions?

  1. How can I peacefully co-exist with myself?
  2. How can I balance my desire to help others with my obligation to care for myself?
  3. How can I make the most impact in the shortest amount of time?

Answering these questions will help you create an action plan to lead a more balanced life.

Prayer: Today I am thankful for a balanced life. I am thankful for opportunities to serve others and myself. I acknowledge quiet moments of reflection and I value the self-love and empowerment contained in those moments. Thank you for opportunities to release co-dependency and to embrace self-love. By doing this I will be of greater service to myself and others.

Much Love,


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Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself

My name is Melissa Rivers and I am a Peace Coach. My mission is to help entrepreneurs and individuals manage conflict, make brave choices and take action to achieve their goals. I’ve been in business for myself for nearly four years and I’ve successfully helped dozens of clients achieve their own personal measure of success.

Like many others, I’ve made some pretty lofty goals for 2019. The most important one for me is to do more of what I love.

I think after my divorce, cancer, job loss and a handful of other setbacks, my focus shifted from hope and expectation to survival. Survival is necessary but there has to be a healthy balance between obligation and enjoyment.

My obligation for 2019 is to show up for myself and to do the work for my clients. Enjoyment for me comes in the form of writing & blogging. There’s definitely more of that coming this year.

So, I will end this year with a declaration: I make room for intentional enjoyment in my life!

Here’s to a year filled with bold, confident and powerful prayers. Intentional declarations of progress, growth and opportunity. Resources to be a blessing to others and invitations that will set you in the presence of Kings and Queens. May your focus be consistent and intentional, may your actions be deliberate and kind, may your opportunities be often and abundant. May you find peace in all you search for and may you empower the good in yourself, others and life. Release anything that no longer serves you, add all things that give you positive vibes and love!

Much Love,


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 What’s On Your Mind

Imagine lying comfortably on your bed gazing up at the ceiling. Picture little thought bubbles floating in the air above you and each bubble is filled with a short phrase or descriptive word. One bubble says loyal, the next says smart and the next one says dependable. The next bubble you see says lazy, followed by hopeless and disgusting. It’s amazing how the messages in the bubbles changed but your position didn’t. You’re still the same loyal, smart and  reliable person who’s relaxing on the bed. The only thing that changed was your mind. You allowed your thoughts to go off course and disrupt your peace.

You have the power to choose your thoughts. You can decide which thought bubbles fit your life. 

Our thoughts are the means in which we communicate to ourself. Its our self-talk.

What are you saying to yourself?

Do your thoughts empower you or do they make you feel weak? Does your self-talk make you feel strong or does it make you feel incapable?

Positive self affirmations are an excellent tool to help you manage the way that you speak to yourself. Practice reciting the following three affirmations to help you get started.

1. I am wonderfully created.

2. I am here to fulfill a unique purpose.

3. I purposely demonstrate love to others.

Now ceate your own affirmations and watch how amazing you feel after reciting them.

