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Mindful Intentions Create Positive Exchanges in the Workplace

Workplace interactions can be stressful and sometimes awkward. Oftentimes peers are pitted against one another for promotions and competing for the boss’ attention. Even Managers and Supervisors walk the fine line of buddy or authoritarian when it comes to managing their team.

I strongly believe there’s a way to manage engagements in the workplace in a positive and productive way. It’s possible to do but it requires attention and intention.

Today I am going to bless you with 3 simple tips to incorporate into your daily work engagements.

1. Relax -Don’t make the mistake of being too uptight or stuffy when dealing with coworkers. It’s okay to laugh and to enjoy the company potluck lunch. Try to find ways to compliment your peers on their work and look for opportunities to lend a hand when time permits.

2. Don’t make assumptions -Allow each engagement to be a fresh engagement. Although you may have cause to tread cautiously around certain team members, don’t make the assumption that each encounter will be negative. Create new experiences by staying present in the moment and intentionally work through mutual goals and objectives.

3. Don’t play the victim -You’re not being singled out or targeted. Your work is appreciated and you add value and a wealth of knowledge to your organization. Believe those affirmations and accept them as truth.

I have two more tips that I would like to share with you but I need you to do me a favor first.

Help me reach 500 subscribers before April 30th. Along with subscribing to the blog, you can find me on Facebook as My Action Plan For Peace and Instagram as My Peace Plan. Please subscribe, like and follow. I would greatly appreciate your help!

The two remaining bonus tips will be released on Saturday, April 15th. I’ll create an awesome downloadable guide that will include all 5 tips.

To work directly with me, please email:



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What’s Next For Pepsi

Okay, so it’s the day after Pepsi pulled the Kendall Jenner ad over major online backlash.

What’s next and how do they move forward? More importantly, how do they ensure a repeat disaster of this magnitude never happens again.

As a Peace Coach specializing in corporate, community and individual peace matters, my advice to Pepsi is for them to immediately hire me as a consultant.

Every corporate organizational chart should have a space carved out for a team of Conflict Resolution Consultants who you can bounce ideas off of and receive valuable feedback from.

Had Pepsi consulted with me, we could have discussed the sensitivities of the ad and how it would appeal to the broader community. I would have informed them that the image of Kendell Jenner,  strolling to the front of the protest line and offering a Pepsi to the Police Officer, who graciously accepted it, without hesitation would be offensive to the “blacklivesmatter” movement because in a majority of the “blm” protests, the police have on riot gear and if you get to close to the protest line you stand a pretty good chance of being sprayed with tear gas or pepper spray. Case in point, Toussaint Romain, a  Public Defender from Charlotte NC who peacefully participated  in protests had tear gas thrown at him by officers during a peaceful protest rally.

I understand the overall message that Pepsi attempted to communicate regarding peace, acceptance, community and understanding. I am all about those concepts but this ad was an epic fail. It was inconsiderate and in all honesty, the “blacklivesmatter” movement hasn’t had enough wins for this commercial to even be considered a good idea. Supporters of the “blm” movement are still risking their lives everyday just to be taken seriously.

How does Pepsi move forward? First you hire me and then we incorporate the practice of mindfulness into your corporate structure. There’s no longer a separation of social and corporate issues. The lines have been blurred for awhile and the only way to be a sustainable company is to change with the times. Although change is inevitable, responsibility is your first priority.

What is Mindfulness?

Have you seen the ad, if so, what are your thoughts?