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If I Got in the Room, then I Belong in that Room.


Dear Lord,

I have so much to celebrate today. Thank you for the sunshine and the rain, the pleasure and the pain. Thank you for allowing me to see the significance of both. As I venture off into new territory today, I can’t help but feel inspired and on task. I believe that you’ve ordained my steps and if I can just keep going, more rewards await. I thank you for it all, in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Value: Achievement

Embodying the value of Achievement is more important than material or financial reward. If you gain satisfaction from completing a tasks, that can signal that you highly value achievement. Achievement-motivated people constantly seek improvements and ways of doing things better

Self Care Tip of the Day: Celebrate Yourself! 

Very rarely do people take time to celebrate their achievements. Let today serve as the starting point of your self-celebrations. There are so many ways to celebrate you. Here’s a short list to get you started: go out to dinner, have a glass of champagne, take a day off and relax.

Daily Professional Goal:

Today’s professional goal is to simply keep going. When things seem confusing and hard to understand, keep the main thing, the main thing and keep working toward your goals. 

LaFern Kitt Batie, of The Batie Group was quoted as saying, “stay close to the mission and date your deliverables.” 

Those words have resonated with me ever since I heard her speak them during The Capp Institute’s Coach Intensive Training last year.

In the news:

Today I am celebrating a few major achievements. Nine years ago, today is when I convinced the technicians to allow me to get a mammogram, two months before my 40th birthday. This started my fight against cancer.

Secondly, I reviewed edits from my soon to be released book, “From God with Love!” I am absolutely ecstatic about this. 

I am soliciting help to create a big, audacious book launch.

Click here to volunteer your time to the book launch planning team.

 Here’s a short article that I found about creative book launch ideas.

Tips for advancement:

Repeat this phrase to yourself, as often as needed: 

If I got in the room then I belong in that room. I am there, aren’t I?” -Shonda Rhimes


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Weekly Devotional – Grounded for Stability

Outside of relationship with God, I am lost. There are no number of Social Activities, Work Engagements or other Commitments that allow me to feel the same satisfaction as having a true and uninhibited relationship with God.

In relationship I find peace, understanding, structure and stability.

I will embrace my uniqueness and seek to fully understand the work that I have been purposed to complete.

The closer I move toward God the more I understand who I am in him.

  • Words of reflection: relationship, satisfaction, uniqueness, uninhibited, purposed, structure, stability
  • Inspiration: Jesus Calling / Page:211
  • Scripture Reference: Psalm 42:1-2; Psalm 34:5; Philippians 2:15

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The Law of Magnetism for Time Management & Organization

This week at Origins of Peace, LLC we’re focusing on Time Management and Organization. My goal is to introduce a few tips and techniques that you can put into action that will hopefully help you maximize your day and add peace to what may be a chaotic daily routine. The tools that I share can be used both personally and professionally.

The first thing that I want you to do is take a brief self-assessment. Circle all of the words below that describe how you are currently feeling or have felt in the past 7 days:

anxious              procrastination              lack of sleep              lack of focus       low energy            missed deadlines           decreased work productivity             overextension

panicky              over-whelm                     lateness                       stress                      irritably                 tardiness                             decreased quality of work                  inability to set and achieve goals

Reflect on the words that you circled as you dive into this week’s materials.

We’re kicking things off by looking at one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Proper leadership is important in your personal and professional life. Let’s be real, if you can’t properly lead your own life, you have absolutely no business trying to influence anyone else. The Law of Magnetism says, ‘who you attract is not determined by what you want, it’s determined by who you are. Let’s think about who you are in relation to this law. Are you anxious, panicky, stressed or irritable? Do you procrastinate, have low energy, or feel over-whelmed? If any of these describe how you are feeling or have recently felt, you have to put structure around those negatives in order to transpose them into positives.

Poor Time Management and inefficient Organization are often the cause of many of these symptoms. If you feel erratic, you will attract erratic elements into your life. This includes people, circumstances and feelings.

In your personal life, incorporate activities that allow you to save time and make things more convenient for yourself. I like to utilize Meal Prepping to help me stay on track with healthy eating and to save time. I like to pre-make my meals on Sunday and Wednesday for three days at a time. Meal Prepping allows me to create routine and habit in my life. If nutrition is important to you, give Meal Prepping a try.

I also use Calendars and Planners to help me keep up with appointments and obligations. In the past I’ve always started the year off using these tools but after a few months of documenting my schedule, my consistency waivers. This year I’m using “The Very Busy Planner” by Amy Knapp. This all-inclusive planner has prompts to help you reflect on your goals, tips to keep your happiness elevated and quotes to get you inspired! One of my favorite pages in this planner is the “Lemons to Lemonade” page. It’s an ideation page that provides space for me to jot down activities that promote joy when I’m feeling down.

In your professional life, self-care is important as well as digital transformation.

For self-care I pull out all the stops. When you start a self-care routine it is important to incorporate things that speak to you personally. I incorporate massages, meal prep, sound therapy, time management, daily devotions and self-help rituals. Out of all these things, the most important self-care technique that I incorporate is creating my own personal narrative. I personally believe life is what you make it and how you start doesn’t dictate how things will end for you. You have the power to change your situation and create a new way forward. If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ve heard of a Peace Map. Use the template below to start your journey.

Digital Transformation is a company’s ability to integrate technology into its processes and business structure. If you are a business owner, consider using Google or Microsoft Products to help organize your business and provide structure. You can create and store your files online, facilitate online coaching and consulting sessions and even host group workshops. The number of business opportunities available to you through digital transformation is incredible. To incorporate Digital Transformation, you have to understand your services and the processes used to accomplish them. If you need help achieving this, use the contact form below to set an appointment with me.

This week, through narratives, videos and audio recordings I will share more content to help you refine your Time Management and Organizational Skills. Take the following actions to get access to all of my content:

If you need assistance creating your plan for better Time Management and Organization, contact me using the form below.


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Protecting Our Elders

Keeping our elders safe is a “peacekeeping” tactic that everyone can embrace. As a community it’s up to each individual to watch out for the safety and well-being of one another. Numerous stories in the media detailing how trusting elderly citizens are falling victim to scams and losing their life savings to the fake promise of love are becoming very prominent. Dr. Phil has featured many of these stories on his show to help raise awareness and equip people with the knowledge of this cruel and heartless scheme.

Sweetheart Scams are known as the act of preying upon a victim for financial gain, while deceitfully promising them love. These cruel acts of intention can be played out online or in person. The perpetrator convinces their victim that they are madly in love and then plays on their emotions to cheat them out of large sums of money. It’s sad to say that many elderly men and women have fallen victim and lost millions of dollars.

The recent story of Georgia Muller caught my attention. Ms. Muller, a great grand-mother who loves to paint and post her pictures on Facebook was targeted by someone online pretending to be the Captain of a ship. The more they communicated with one another the more Ms. Muller developed an emotional bond with the pretend Captain. He would send her poems and love notes and she enjoyed the attention. When the time was right, Ms. Muller was asked to wire several hundred dollars to the Captain. Luckily for Muller her internal instincts alerted her that this was a case of fraud.

My appeal to you today is to become more active in the life of an elderly person. Take a vested interest in your loved ones to ensure that they are not falling victim to the schemes, strategies or plots of the enemy. As the bible says, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities and power in the dark places. The enemy attacks us at our weakest moments and wages an all out war on our self-identity and our emotional being.

Send me a comment and let me know how you plan to become more active with the elders in your family and community.

There are several different ways that the elderly are being deceived out of their money. Some of the tactics that are being used are threats and deceit, pressure tactics, jury scams, computer scams, financial planning scams and home renovation scams.

If you suspect that and elderly family member of friend is in trouble there are three things that you can do to help.

  1. Go to The FBI runs the site. It lists various scams and even buzzwords to listen for.
  2. Go to  It also lists scams and how to spot them.
  3. Report your suspicions to the local authorities.
Peace and Wellness,
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Identity Crisis

By now, you may have seen the awful pictures that detail the scars and bruises that Nicole Holder suffered at the hands of Greg Hardy. These photos are a terrible reminder of the physical abuse and terrifying situations that many women find themselves faced with daily. Statistics reveal that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women, more than vehicle accidents, muggings and rapes combined. It’s disturbing to know that a woman is abused every 9 seconds and even more disturbing is the fact that 1 in every 5 teenage girl has reportedly been threatened with violence or experienced harm if she decides that she no longer wants to be in a relationship with a boy. Even more shockingly for the Christian body, 25% of Christian homes witness abuse of some kind. Spousal abuse is just as common among church goers as it is with everyone else.

So what can we do? There are tons of causes, organizations and awareness campaigns that are aimed at raising awareness for domestic violence. As a society, WE ARE EXTREMLY AWARE. We have the desire to create change, knowledge of the issue but we lack the ability to make real change and challenge what is seen as normal in many households. I’m under the opinion that we need to introduce some type of identity intervention program to challenge those beliefs and misconceptions that women and young girls hold about themselves, while we deal with the issue of abuse.

Truth is, we have to recognize things for what they are. Human beings are experiencing a lack of love and compassion toward one another, and this goes against everything that God says in his Word. Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

As heirs of Christ, our identity is established in love. Until we are able to deal with those issues that make us doubt our ability to love others and the things that keep us from fully receiving love, we will always have the issue of domestic violence

“If I were your enemy, I’d devalue your strength and magnify your insecurities until they dominate how you see yourself, disabling and disarming you from fighting back, from being free, from being who God has created you to be. I’d work hard to ensure that you never realize what God has given you so you’ll doubt the power of God within you.” (Excerpt from, Fervent, A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer).

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Peace in the Imperfections

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

One the other side of Conflict is Peace.

While the two are in complete contrast with one another, they have a totally dependent relationship.

Think about it. If you never experienced Conflict you would have never known what Peace felt like and if you had never experienced Peace you would have no clue that Conflict even exists.

What if it were possible to have your Conflict and Peace meet one another to settle a few past issues? What if your self-doubt and insecurity could have a face-off with your confidence and well-being? What if you reached a place in life that was so freeing and so rewarding that you wanted to reach back to your old self and say, “it all worked out fine.”

Really, as a woman who has experienced quite a few conflicts in life, I think I owe it to my younger self to discuss those insecurities that were felt growing up. You know those things like never feeling good enough or pretty enough or smart enough or whatever enough.

Never ____ enough caused a lot of heartbreak for millions of little girls around the world, and it still does today.

If I could sit down with my younger self, I would give her the biggest hug and let her know that she turned out magnificent, flaws, scars, hurt feelings and all. The tears that were shed and the self-doubt that was experienced helped to propel her into a women with drive and motivation who was eager to succeed and do great things. I would let her know that on the other side of the Conflict she experienced, there is Peace in the imperfections.

So how about you? What internal discussions do you need to have and what past insecurities do you need to release? Are you holding on to self doubt and insecurity, unsure of your worth and purpose? It’s time to let it go and make Peace with the unknown. It all starts with having “peaceful intentions” for your life and those around you. When you make a solid choice to treat yourself better, there is nothing or no-one that can block you from receiving Peace.

May Peace and Grace be multiplied to you!

Peace and Wellness!


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Focus On Truth

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder is a true and real mood disorder associated with depression and related to the seasonal variations in light that occur during the winter months. For many people, mainly women, this time of year can be filled with anxiety, mood changes, overeating and lethargy, just to name a few. Some of the suggested treatments include medication, outdoor activity or phototherapy.

Along with treatment, it’s important for us to practice spiritual remedies as well. We have to utilize the powerful weapons of warfare that are made available to every believer who has accepted Jesus as Lord over their life. When we are feeling out of sorts and in a state of depression we have to affirm, meditate and visualize a strategy of success. By focusing inward with peaceful thoughts about ourselves and our importance in society, we develop a stronger connection to God and a greater dependence on the healing effects of love.

Our strategy must include the truth about us that can only be found in God’s word.

  1. John 3:16-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.-Remember that God will not withhold any good thing from you. His mind is set on loving you and gifting you with everlasting life.
  2. Isaiah 54:17- No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn.-God already knows every issue and challenge that you will face. Even though things may look bad at the moment, God has other plans for you and you come out victorious!
  3. Jude 24-Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy-You will stumble and make mistakes along your journey but God has already planned to restore you. It makes Him happy to see you doing good. It pleases God to see you shine!

Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you!


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When your Peace is disturbed, it’s easy to lose focus of your goals and fall into a system of making bad choices. There’s something about being aggravated, discontent and stressed out that can cause a person to spiral out of control.

It happens to us all at times, we are only human. We all have free will and emotions that play a significant part in how we respond to situations.

I’ve grown to understand that life hands us victories and lessons in every situation that we face. Even if things didn’t work out in our favor there is a victory to celebrate as well as a lesson to learn from it.

It’s extremely important to do some analyzing and uncover the victories and the lessons. By doing so we are stocking our prayer toolbox with powerful ammunition to fight our spiritual battles.

As the Word of God says, “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

In the book Fervent, A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer, Priscilla Shirer discusses the top 10 strategies that the enemy uses to throw us off of our game.

He attacks our Passion, our Focus, our Identity, our Family, our Past, our Fears, our Purity, our Pressures, our Hurts and our Relationships. If we do our work and prepare for battle, we are then better equipped to stand against the schemes. You are well aware that the enemy doesn’t have any new tricks, he uses the same old material.

As Priscilla says, you have to pray God’s Word back to him and allow him to respond to it according to his own will.







Get locked, loaded and come out praying in a blaze of Glory!

Prayer is the only way to stand!

Peace and Wellness

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Usable Experiences

1 Peter 4:12 NIV – Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.

Sometimes life just isn’t fair. We’ve all encountered situations that have left us asking the question “how did this happen?” or repeating the phrase, “why me.” Some of the stories that we hear about in the news are simply heart-breaking. We hear about senseless killings, reports of abuse and attacks on innocent people.

Whatever happened to common courtesy and basic human decency?

The word of God instructs us to not think it a strange thing when we face trials. We are actually encouraged to rejoice in times of pain and uncertainty. I know it’s a hard thing to hear but, as long as we live and breathe  conflict will forever be part of our story, with new chapters spontaneously forming daily.

In the newly released book: Stand, Learning to Lead Through Conflict, Dr. Timothy W. Sloan encourages us all by saying, “we are men and women who have been endued with heavenly power to fulfill our divine purpose of leading others.”

To become more effective in dealing with others and their circumstances, we have to face our personal crisis with authority and boldness.

Here are a few things that we can do to transform our personal conflicts into opportunities to help others.

  1. Be Transparent in your approach: People are more willing to listen to what you have to say and follow your lead if they can relate to you and establish a sense of trust. Use your experiences to create opportunities of Peace by listening, offering encouragement and simply being available.
  2. Step out of you Comfort Zone: Change your approach. If you’re constantly running into resistance, it’s time to do things differently. Create your own personal prayer of Jabez. Dee Marshall of Girlfriends Pray says it best, “Lord show me how to take Who I am, Who I want to be and What I can do and use it for a purpose greater than myself. Now that’s a prayer that will certainly enlarge your territory!
  3. Be Flexible: Be willing to work with others, the word says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Remember, experiences both good and bad are usable. Incorporate your experiences and the three approaches listed above to deal with others and help them along their path to healing.

Peace and Wellness,


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Let Him Finish the Work

Philippians 1:6 NKJ-being confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
Life is full of processes, tasks and things to do. Some of these experiences will be pleasant while others will require a lot of energy to accomplish. When those challenging tasks come our way, we may be tempted to give up, quit or even fuss because we’re having to experience difficulty. I’ve learned that fussing, quitting and giving up only leave us incomplete. If we are going to grow and advance in life, we have to follow the process and do the work that is required. When we allow ourselves to give up we are not allowing Jesus to complete that which he started in us.
You may be familiar with titles such as; Happy Women Live Better by Valorie Burton and The Well-Spoken Woman by Christine K. Jahnke. It’s my belief that in order to live better we will first experience some bitter situations and to become well-spoken we may first be a little misrepresented and unclear.
How will we progress? We will let Jesus finish the work that he began in us.
As the bible says, “to one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag…each according to his own ability. You’ve been gifted according to your ability. Nothing that you face will be too hard for you to accomplish, you simply have to put in the work in order to see the results. Some of the results that you can expect to see by completing your work include:
1. Personal development
2. Better relationships
3. Higher Self-Esteem
Aren’t you ready for better? If so, allow Jesus to complete his work in you.
“If Jesus gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion. If only we’ll let him finish the work” -Beth Moore

Peace and Wellness,
SUGA Wellness Boutique