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A Prayer of Honesty

A Prayer of Honesty

Inspired by: Inspired by: Matthew 26:36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”


“A Prayer of Honesty”

My dearest Heavenly Father

I hope I am not a bother

From you I need to hear

To know that you are near

I need to feel your love

And strengthened from above

My issues have me weary

I need to see more clearly

Your word to me revealed

In your Presence I am healed

I am in my sacred place

Lying prostrate on my face

I am putting aside the weight

that you promised you would take

I am casting my cares on you

because your instruction tells me to

Lean not to my own understanding

Although my life can be demanding

I will have faith and just believe

That your Promises will be achieved!

 Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

© 2011 all rights reserved, Melissa A. Rivers-Misenheimer

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Eden Revisited

In search of Acceptance…

O Desperate Woman, Inspired by: Genesis 3:6-7 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

“O Desperate Woman”

Desperate woman to become so wise

gave up eternity because of your eyes

A pleasant sight you thought you perceived

foolish you how easily deceived

serpent came and sold you his plan

shame humanity and curse the land

close walk with God is what you lost

that bite did you estimate the cost

sorrow was multiplied and your husband shall rule

To work the ground and tend to it became his daily duel

in the midst of your rebellion God put His plan to work

Savior set on redemption would be earth’s biggest perk.

save mankind from sin and shame was His mission

educate a chosen people and bring in the addition

and Gentiles all are welcome, God wants us all

reap the benefits of redemption after mankind’s fall

and Mercy cover God’s people from head to toe

is the only Saving Grace and soon all the world will know.

…Praise God! This poem gets better with each revision…2011(c) copyright, Melissa A. Rivers-Misenheimer

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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From Age to Age

Living Proof Live with Beth Moore was awesome! The atmosphere was holy and useful for the work of the Lord to be accomplished!

Our lesson was taken from Deuteronomy 10:20 which reads…Fear the Lord your God serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in His name. (NIV)

We were encouraged to Hold Fast to God, which literally means… stick to, cling to or hold onto! This is a very timely message for me as I trust God to work out His purposeful plan in my life.

My true AHA moment came from divine revelation of one significant line sang by the praise team, “From Age to Age your word will stand Forever and Amen!”

This one line says so much to me…no matter how I might feel about myself at any given moment; only God’s words hold true and they will remain forever!

Deuteronomy 10:15 says…the Lord chose me, Deuteronomy 10:17 says…he loves me and defends me and Deuteronomy 10:21 says…He is my praise and my God!

If I am unable to find the right words to speak over myself all that I have to do is recite HIS words! His words are true and they remain the same forever!

“From Age to Age your word will stand Forever and Amen!”

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

Luke 1:45

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When you complain; you remain

Habakkuk 1: 1-4 How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save?  Why do you make me look at injustice?  Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted. (NIV)

I had the awesome pleasure of hearing Pastor Paula White speak this past week. Out of the many words that she spoke that evening, the one simple verse that remains with me is: “When you complain; you remain.”

This simple verse got me thinking of the countless times that I may have murmured negatively about a situation or carelessly chose my words. If I am expecting better results or believing in God to work on my behalf, why are my words negative? Have I fooled myself into thinking that I can possibly reap an abundance when I spew negativity from my mouth?

In the first chapter of Habakkuk, we find that Habakkuk is in a desperate state of mind. According to his point of view, everything is going wrong, the Lord is allowing sin to run rampant and evil is prevailing. Habakkuk goes on and on about justice being perverted and the Lord being silent through it all.

Habakkuk remained in this negative environment because he could not see his way out. He continuously complained and did not trust God to turn things around for him. It is not until the third chapter that Habakkuk changes his tone. Instead of complaining, he falls on his knees in prayer to an almighty God that has more than enough to fix his situation.

I ask you today, do your words match your belief? Does your trust put you in a position to remain or to advance? Let’s pray about it….

Dear Lord, we thank you for your mighty work in our life. When we do not understand what is going on or we have doubt that things will work out on our behalf, we will choose to trust you and speak your words and not our own. Father, in our own strength we fail but in you we prosper. We thank you for never leaving us to ourself and we honor you for your love and mercy.  In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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“The Big Day”

For the past several weeks I have been working with a group of young ladies that are contestants in the 2011 North Carolina Talented Teens Competition.  My role has been that of Speech Coordinator/Program Designer and Contributing Poet.  It is the day of the show and I am not feeling well at all….well as they say in show business….

The Show Must Go On!”

Here is my original poem..written for the girls…inspired by Genesis 29:17 “Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful.”

This poem is written for Leah and is entitled Recognizeenjoy your weekend!



you not know? Have you not heard?

is the final word.

lasting decree spoken over me

young woman of radiance, love and beauty

by the power released from His right hand

potential to achieve more than most can

my reach is far greater than any have seen

in myself with high self-esteem

worth holds more value than rubies or gems

and confident, liberated from within

is important, I encourage those in need

live a better life and my advice I pray they heed

up to your potential and never settle for less than best

up for every challenge and deliver nothing less

all you have to give and your dreams will be fulfilled

your life on God’s foundation and your future will be sealed

Accept the blessing of His promise and make an oath to live His way

the beauty in each moment and always seize the day!

2011 Copyright, all rights reserved Melissa A. Rivers-Misenheimer

Empowered by SUGA <Simply Understand God is Able>

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Thank You

Psalm 86:11

The Message (MSG)

11-17 Train me, God, to walk straight;
then I’ll follow your true path.
Put me together, one heart and mind;
then, undivided, I’ll worship in joyful fear.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord;
I’ve never kept secret what you’re up to.
You’ve always been great toward me—what love!

What better way to say thank you this morning to our loving Heavenly Father!  Thank you Lord for all that you’ve done in us, through us, around us and among us. You are most certainly an almighty God. Looking back over the past year of life, we have made great strides, moved many mountains and conquered many fears. But God! All by the Grace of our loving Father!

Prayer: Dear Father, we come this morning with a heart set on thanking you. Thank you for all things that you have made possible. Without your love, we would not be here to witness your beauty and majesty today. Thank you for having mercy on us and extending your powerful right hand of deliverance! We are so grateful, In Jesus Name! Amen.

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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Luke 23:45-46 New International Version (NIV) 45 for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”[a] When he had said this, he breathed his last.

And with this said…it was finished. Every good a perfect work that the Lord had spoken was finished. When the temple was torn in two and Jesus called out to his Father as he breathe his last, it was done.

But what did this mean? Did this mean all persecution and injustice would simply go away? Did this mean believers in Christ would no longer be subjected to difficult times?


It means that our obligation to atone for our sins was over, it means Christ took on all of our persecution, injustice and difficult times. When the temple was torn in two that was a representation of freedom, no longer do we have to worship God from a distance, no longer are we only allowed in the outer court and no longer are we obligated to sacrifice an animal for forgiveness. All we are required to do is accept His love and walk in the beauty of it.

To experience true freedom in Christ, simply invite Him into your life; read the following passage and recite the prayer.

The following is taken from All about

Receiving Jesus is a matter of truly asking Him to come into your life, to
forgive your sins, and to become your Lord and Savior. It’s not merely an
intellectual undertaking, but rather, an act of sincere faith and heart-felt

If you want to receive Jesus now, and accept His gift of
salvation, it’s a matter of believing in Jesus Christ, repenting of your sins,
and turning the rest of your life over to Him. This is not a ritual based on
specific words, but rather, a prayerful guideline for your sincere step of

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have
separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my
past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again.
I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the
dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my
life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy
Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In
Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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Dear Father, we thank you so much for your bountiful blessings. We thank you for allowing us to see who we are and who we can become through you. Lord we are so grateful for another opportunity to rise and give you glory today. We thank you for safe traveling mercies as we go about our way and we thank you for your everlasting provisions that keep us from worrying and fretting over things that we cannot control. Today, we pray that we are a blessing to someone, we pray that they are able to see your love in our lives and we pray that our thoughts and words remain focused on you. We love you so much, In Jesus Name! Amen.



Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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A New Way of Thinking

Isaiah 33:17 (NIV)  Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar. In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror.

When God gets into your mind, you begin to think as he does and get a glimpse of the plan and purpose that has already been established for your life.

In Isaiah’s day, the people were used to being mistreated and having promises broken by the king. As a result, they sinned and rebelled. Verse 17, speaks of a new promise that has everlasting covenant with the people and it is limitless! Isaiah the prophet had intimate relationship with God because God spoke directly through him. He spoke the words of God!

Isaiah knew that a better day was coming. A King with everlasting covenant and promises that could not possibly be broken, were on the way. The scripture says “Your eyes will see the King in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.

Jesus is the King described above. The beauty of who he is and all that he is to those who have called him savior, is limitless. God’s promises to us are forever, just as he is. In Christ, we are a new creature and God’s Word, tells us to forget those things that are behind. The scripture also says…In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror. God says forget about it! Once you allow Jesus full access to your life, a new landscape is revealed. If God chooses to forget then we have a duty to forget as well.

Remember, our dreams have to be greater than our memories. If not, we stay stuck in the past and cannot see a better future!

Much Love,

Mrs. Misenheimer

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Hebrews 10:24-25

New International Version (NIV)

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Today’s scripture stresses the importance of maintaining healthy relationships. God places people in our lives at certain times, not only for us to encourage them but also for them to encourage us. Before we become set on finding fault in our neighbor, we should ask ourselves, “What is God up to now?” You may be shocked to find out that the person sitting next to you has just the right words to keep you motivated and to help you get to your next level.

Dear Father: We thank you on this day that we have freedom to you through your son Christ Jesus. We ask you to search our heart and mind and remove any negativity or limited thinking that may delay your plan and purpose for our life. Father, we pray for our neighbors and ask that you bless them in a mighty way today. We pray that we are able to recognize their goodness and we strive to be an encouragement to others and not a discouragement. Lord on this day, we are so grateful for our relationships and we place them in your loving care.  This is our pray to you, in Jesus name. Amen.

Much Love,
