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A Moment Called Suddenly

Wow, so hard to believe it’s already been a year! Sunday, September 18,2011….Thank you Lord!  Enjoy your weekend!
Inspired by: Ruth 4:14 The woman said to Naomi: Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a kinsman-redeemer.

A Moment Called Suddenly

In a moment called suddenly, God’s vision was revealed

A request that I made known to Him, according to His will

I prayed for Divine Release, of a love that would never cease

I prayed to be covered and protected, no longer having my love rejected

I prayed for favor and honor, realizing that I could no longer

Be subjected to a lesser love, than God’s best sent from above

He answered me so clear; the love I longed for came near

So gentle was his hand, Lord…. could this be the man?

Standing right before my eyes and much to my surprise

Your vision did reveal, the love I longed for was real!

With the moon so bright on that perfect night

He dropped to one knee and proposed to me

His emotions were raw; the grace of God is what I saw

It sounded like a testimony, there’s no way this could be phony

His ministry was redemption, God sent Him on this mission

Dearly beloved, do you thee wed; ring on my finger and veil on my head

The crowd was gathered and waiting in awe; a covenant exchange is what they saw

Atonement was the theme of that blessed day; my kinsman-redeemer took the curse away!

2011 copyright, Melissa Rivers-Misenheimer

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We Fall Down; But We Get Up!

This post is dedicated to my friend hodgepodge4thesoul. Check her out when you have a chance:

Much like you, this past month has been crazy for me also! The enemy has constantly tormented me with issue after issue after issue. I must admit, I got the wind knocked out of me for a moment. As I come to my
senses and recount the many promises and blessings that God has spoken over me, I can’t help but recite 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ( Let’s stop right there and praise God for his mercy, his goodness and most of all his grace!) Even when it appears that things are all messed up in our small little world, we have to remember to look up and keep our focus on God! God has it all covered, from the end to the beginning and back again, he’s been there, done that, finished his work and certified that “it is good!”

Everyone reading this post… know this and believe it: If you were not in the game, making a difference In the body of Christ, the enemy would not even give you a second thought! But you, with your “sound mind in Christ Jesus” need to stay on guard and prepare your mind for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed! (1 Peter 1:13)

With that said, it’s on! Psalm 51:10-12 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of my
salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me!

Prayer: My dearest Heavenly Father, with a bowed
head and humble heart, I enter into your Presence with thanksgiving! I am so
excited to be your daughter; I am so excited to study your word and so excited
to be one of your chosen people. Father, thank you for receiving me just as I
am, weary, worn and lost. Thank you! You are able to present me before yourself
and I gracious accept your help! I love you…In Jesus Name! AMEN!

Simply Understand God is Able

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Exoudus 17:7
And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and
because they tested the Lord saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

Numbers 20:13
These were the waters of Meribah where the Israelites quarreled with the Lord
and where he showed himself holy among them.

In both Old Testament Books, the Israelites find themselves in the same predicament. They were thirsty and in need of a drink of water. God showed concern on both occasions, in the book of Exodus God commanded Moses to “strike” the rock so that water would come forth for the people to drink and in the book of Numbers, he commanded Moses to “speak” to the rock so that water would come forth.

The first time around (Exodus), Moses completed his test with no problem but 37 years later when faced with the same test (Numbers), at the same exact location, Moses did not do so well. The place was called Meribah and it literally means the place of testing and arguing. Instead of following God’s command and showing him honor by letting the people know that God had once again moved on their behalf, Moses took matters into his own hands. His actions caused him to miss out on entering into the Promised Land that God had prepared for his chosen people.

In our everyday tests, we oftentimes get too comfortable in our roles and with our responsibilities. We begin to take for granted the position that God has placed us in. We tend to get careless and may even think we are the reason that things work out the way that they do, instead of God working in our life! This tainted mindset keeps us from realizing God’s promises in our life. What tests or arguments are you presently confronted with? Take time to recount the many ways that God has blessed you and be sure to acknowledge him in all your ways. God never wastes an opportunity, so glean from every situation and trust that God is always working on your behalf!

~To God Be The Glory~

Dear Lord, thank you for your many blessings. We give you thanks in everything, knowing that it all works together for our good. On this day, we are humbled by your love and concern for us and we strive to honor you with each breath that we take. You are an awesome God! In Jesus Name, Amen!


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In the Meantime

Genesis 13:3 From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier and where he had first built and altar.  There Abram called on the name of the Lord.

In the text, Abrahm finds himself between Bethel and Ai, which literally means between “The House of God” and a “heap of ruins.” As the text identifies, this place was familiar to Abrahm because he had been there before. As Abrahm “went through” his transition he recalled the steps that he had taken previously to make it to his promised land. Previously Abrahm had pitched a tent and built an altar. In the Hebrew culture a tent, also known as a Chuppah is used as a dwelling to host the presence of God. Once a sacrifice was made on the altar, the Chuppah was used to show gratitude and served as a dwelling for the presence of the Lord. All who were covered by the Chuppah, were immersed in God’s presence and could expect miracles to be performed in their life.

Now that you know the history of it, what will you do the next time you find yourself in transition? Will you worship God and allow his presence to dwell with you or will you try to figure things our for yourself and pretend that you do not need God’s help.

The great news is that God wants to work on your behalf. He wants to work in your life and he wants to bless you above anything that your mind can comprehend! When God does an amazing thing for you, it serves as an example for the body of Christ and gives hope to others!

The best part of today’s text is the very last line. When Abrahm found himself in trouble again, he simply called on the name of the Lord! By calling God’s name, Abrahm let God know that he trusted him and had not forgotten the promises of the Lord!

Make Him Great In this Place!


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Mentally Prepared

1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.

This year, The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) falls on 10/08/2011, which is only 46 days away. The Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year in the Jewish Culture and God has divinely appointed it as a day to atone for sin, for ALL his people.  In Leviticus 16:29 God established Yom Kippur as a holy day.

Here’s your window of opportunity. From studying scripture we recognize 40 as an important number in biblical history because of its frequency and its occurrence. With 40 being a product of  the number 5 which represents grace and the number 8 which represents revival and renewal, now is a perfect time to mentally prepare to atone for those sins that are keeping God’s word from being fulfilled in your life.I understand that you may not be Jewish, neither am I but I do recognize and celebrate those things that are important to God. Take the next six days to mentally prepare yourself, talk it over with God, ask him what he wants from you and how you can be used for his purpose. If God gives you peace about it, Got For It!  Scripture says, “God inhabits the praises of his people.” People, however you honor God, commit to it for 40 days.

Make a commitment to pray, fast, or anything else that will glorify the Lord.  God recognizes sacrifices that loosen the bonds of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, promote freedom and cause health to spring forth, just to name a few. If you cannot do it for the entire duration, make a point to do it sometime within the 40 day time frame. God understands we are not perfect but he loves it when we chase after his heart.

At the appointed time, you can expect to be completely delivered, completely established and well on your way to reaping a complete blessing from the Lord. Last year on Atonement Day 09/18/2010, I dedicated my wedding ceremony to God. In my mind, I saw it as chance to show God how grateful I am for his goodness in my life. It was my way of telling God, I believe in your covenant, I am tired of trying to figure things out for myself and I trust that you want what is best for me. As I approach my first wedding anniversary, I can’t say that everyday has been easy but I can say that everyday has been worth it and each day is blessed by God!

I pray that you find a way to celebrate God’s holy day this year and allow him to do a mighty work in your life!


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A Life full of Blessings

Psalm 23:5-6 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love with follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

My Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your many blessings. As each day begins we thank you for new mercies and a fresh anointing. Father, we are so grateful to be pursued by your love and filled with your goodness each day. No matter what obstacles try to raise up against your word, we bring them under submission to your covenant. Lord, thank you for loving us even when we seem so unlovable. In Jesus Name. Amen!

He’s Marvelous!

~Put a little SuGa on it~
