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If I Got in the Room, then I Belong in that Room.


Dear Lord,

I have so much to celebrate today. Thank you for the sunshine and the rain, the pleasure and the pain. Thank you for allowing me to see the significance of both. As I venture off into new territory today, I can’t help but feel inspired and on task. I believe that you’ve ordained my steps and if I can just keep going, more rewards await. I thank you for it all, in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Value: Achievement

Embodying the value of Achievement is more important than material or financial reward. If you gain satisfaction from completing a tasks, that can signal that you highly value achievement. Achievement-motivated people constantly seek improvements and ways of doing things better

Self Care Tip of the Day: Celebrate Yourself! 

Very rarely do people take time to celebrate their achievements. Let today serve as the starting point of your self-celebrations. There are so many ways to celebrate you. Here’s a short list to get you started: go out to dinner, have a glass of champagne, take a day off and relax.

Daily Professional Goal:

Today’s professional goal is to simply keep going. When things seem confusing and hard to understand, keep the main thing, the main thing and keep working toward your goals. 

LaFern Kitt Batie, of The Batie Group was quoted as saying, “stay close to the mission and date your deliverables.” 

Those words have resonated with me ever since I heard her speak them during The Capp Institute’s Coach Intensive Training last year.

In the news:

Today I am celebrating a few major achievements. Nine years ago, today is when I convinced the technicians to allow me to get a mammogram, two months before my 40th birthday. This started my fight against cancer.

Secondly, I reviewed edits from my soon to be released book, “From God with Love!” I am absolutely ecstatic about this. 

I am soliciting help to create a big, audacious book launch.

Click here to volunteer your time to the book launch planning team.

 Here’s a short article that I found about creative book launch ideas.

Tips for advancement:

Repeat this phrase to yourself, as often as needed: 

If I got in the room then I belong in that room. I am there, aren’t I?” -Shonda Rhimes


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Mobilizing Capital for Black Maternal Health


Dear Lord,

Today’s prayer is for anyone who feels unseen and excluded. I ask you to heal and protect them as only you can. Help them to know that they are loved and appreciated. Restore where restoration is needed, heal all wounds, seen and unseen. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Value: Recognition

Embrace the value of recognition to let others know that you value them and their contributions. Recognition raises awareness and encourages inclusion.

Self-Care Tip of the Day: 


Guess what? You are not on this planet to listen to the negative thoughts that try to consume you. You are here to live.

Do whatever becomes necessary to protect your peace. 

Blockout the intrusive thoughts, delete the negative post, close social media. Whatever it takes to make you feel at ease, do those things.

Daily Professional Goal:

Make an intentional effort to recognize the people who play an important role in your professional life. If you have a coach or mentor that made a big impact on your life, choose today to send them a nod of thanks. A handwritten thank you card or a phone call would serve as the perfect recognition. 

In the news:

April 11th -17th is Black Maternal Health Week. This time is dedicated to advocating for the elimination of maternal mortality. Maybe you read the story or saw the headline about Krystal Anderson, the Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleader who died after delivering her stillborn baby. Mrs. Anderson developed an infection and died from complications of Sepsis, on March 20th, 2024, at the age of 40.

One of the reasons this story caught my attention was because my grandson was stillborn or born at rest on March 21st, 2024. It was terrifying as a mother to watch my daughter endure the level of physical and emotional pain that she suffered. Similar to the headline shared above, my daughter suffered complications and was hospitalized for a week.

Secondly, as a woman, I felt immense sorrow for her as woman who was experiencing such a traumatic loss. I searched for words of comfort but woman to woman, I knew her heart would be changed forever after this event.

While I honor my G-Son and the life that could have been, I thank God that my daughter is still here, recovering and getting stronger by the day. If you pass me on the street and I burst out into spontaneous praise, just know that I have a lot to be thankful for.

Finally, I share this information as a business topic because it needs more recognition. Women professionals face these challenges frequently, and more needs to be done to raise awareness and recognition of this issue.

Today, April 15th is designated for Mobilizing Capital for Black Maternal Health. To learn more about this initiative and the remaining events planned for the week, click here.

To read more about Krystal Anderson’s story, click here.

Tips for advancement:

  1. Don’t wait until a special occasion to recognize the important people in your life

  2. Be authentic and sincere with your recognitions

  3. Let your recognition be as loud as the contribution or effort that was put forth. Don’t be afraid to be loud with your recognition.

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Loyalty is Royalty!

Loyalty is such a huge part of building trust in relationships. Use the information shared below to find ways to enhance loyalty in your personal and professional life.


Dear Lord,

   Thank you for overflowing blessings. You’ve gifted me with much to be grateful for and I am extremely thankful for it all. As we enter a new week, show me how to be loyal with all that you’ve given me and to expand on it. Give me strategies to grow and the momentum to make an impact in places where I am needed. Place me in rooms that value my perspective and skillset. In Jesus Name. Amen. 

Value: Loyalty

Embrace the value of Loyalty to build trust in your relationships. Embracing loyalty means you’re committed to the wellbeing and positive progression of building and advancing, no matter what it requires. 

Self-Care Tip of the Day:  

Manage stress to reduce inflammation in your body.

Deep tissue massages are great for breaking up inflammation in the body which can lead to chronic pain and  health issues.  Additionally, taking intentional steps to manage stress can be very beneficial. Take a walk in nature, create a peaceful outdoor space and take time to slow down, breathe and journal your thoughts.

Daily Professional Goal: 

Seek to understand the current, most prevalent needs of your business or organization and show your loyalty to progress the agenda by being open to change, creative with generating solutions and innovative to think outside of the box and drive results. 

In the news:

Have you filed your taxes yet? Honestly, I have not. With a myriad of recent challenges, I have not had the bandwidth to take care of this very important and necessary task. Today I took the initiative to ease some of my stress and I filed for an extension. As I was researching topics for this week’s In the News topics, I saw an article about Krispy Kreme helping to ease the overwhelm of Tax Day by giving customers a deep discount on a box of Original Glazed Doughnuts. Click here to find out how to receive your discount.

Tips for advancement:

Set yourself up for personal and professional success this week by managing your time wisely and reducing overwhelm by delegating activities when needed. This will help you operate in your area of expertise.

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Is Being Liked More Important Than Being Good at Your Job?

How to use this information: Use this resource to help add structure to your day and maintain a sense of peace when things become overwhelming. Start your day with a heartfelt prayer and then leverage your strengths and values to create a strong personal and professional strategy when life and work become exhausting. 


As the new week begins, I pray for opportunities of promotion and advancement in my work and healing and restoration in my family. With a keen focus on friendship, self-care and productivity I pray for minimal distractions, released guilt and ample opportunities to generate wealth. I pray for open doors that have remained closed and mountains of opposition to be removed. Lead me down a clear path to profitability.

Value: Friendship

Embrace the value of friendship to prevent isolation and loneliness and celebrate good times. Friendships can also provide support during bad times and increase your sense of belonging & purpose.

Self-Care Tip of the Day: Release feelings of guilt around self-love

It’s common for black women to experience feelings of guilt when it comes to doing the work to improve your well-being and take care of yourself. Society is great at making us feel like we are not deserving of good things unless we’ve worked ourselves tirelessly to receive them.

“She doesn’t beg, force or chase. She works, prays and has faith.”

Grab your journal and write down any feelings of guilt that arise when you take steps to take care of yourself. Ask yourself when and where did you learn to put the needs of others ahead of your own.

In the News:

In the Op-Ed, It’s Time to Admit That Being Liked Is More Important Than Being Good at Your Job,” by Jasmine Browley, some very valid points were made about how you show up in various spaces and how that can affect you both positively and negatively in your personal and professional lives.

Read the post below and let me know your thoughts

There’s much to be said about being likable.

It seems simple enough, but if you are a thought-provoking person with a mission to improve the norm and positively affect society by speaking on discrepancies and injustices, you might find out that you are not liked much at all. You might be respected, but probably not liked.

As a professional woman who has dedicated her adult career to effecting change, resolving conflict and coaching for more efficient outcomes, I can admit that I absolutely love to help break down barriers and generate solutions that make things easier for others. My life’s work can be summed up in one simple biblical verse, “if it is possible, as far as it depends on you (me) live at peace with everyone.” This verse fuels my passion to diligently work in the space of excellence, BUT that also comes with a high, personal price tag.

During a conversation with a friend, I was left thinking about how I present myself to others. She told me that I was not very approachable and that I do not give off a warm and fuzzy feeling. We were talking about relationships, and I was excited about a new potential dating relationship.

It was the first time that anyone shared this information with me, about me, and it made me think about my relationships, the various circles that I am involved in, and how I show up in each situation.

Professionally, I often show up as an individual contributor with a neutral perspective. This helps me navigate through issues with ease to generate solutions for challenges that affect multiple parties, BUT what I’ve learned is that my neutrality often spills into my personal, social engagements too.

Admittedly, it can be hard to turn off my “change management” brain when it comes to personal relationships. My heart always wants to be supportive, but my mind wants the best possible outcome and is often thinking about how things could be improved or changed for the better.

Tips for Advancement:

Here are three easy to implement actions that you can incorporate into your work routine to create more likability for yourself while you continue to do great work.

  1. When connecting on a personal level, turn off your professional brain. Put down your mental notepad and stay present in the moment

  2. If you struggle with personal connection, ask those you trust to hold you accountable to show up as your best possible self

  3. Before you speak and provide feedback about a situation, ask yourself the following: “If this information was being shared about me, how would it make me feel.”

Let’s Connect:

This information is shared in an effort to help you maintain a peaceful lifestyle in your work and business. To receive more information about our coaching programs and how we can help you achieve peace in your goals, visit: The Peace Boutique – Origins of Peace Coaching & Consulting Firm.

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Morning Prayer – April 3

Morning Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you for a fresh start today. I appreciate the opportunity to gain new perspectives and create new opportunities for advancement. I thank you that I do not have to stay stuck in my own thoughts and limited abilities. You always go before me to add clarity and intention to my vision. I welcome opportunities for collaboration, and I am open to constructive feedback that will help me move forward. This is my prayer today, in Jesus’ name. Amen


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Morning Prayer – April 2nd

Morning Prayer

Dear Lord,

This is the day that you have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you for the gifts of release and forward motion. Your love makes it possible to release negative thoughts and energy while honoring what is near and dear to my heart. On this day I am resting in the facts that you are my refuge and my protector. I am standing on your word to make all things new. Thank you for commanding your angels concerning me and while I catch my breath, I know they are at work on my behalf. Guide me as I move, instruct me as I work, protect me as I learn to trust again.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

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Morning Prayer – April 1st

Morning Prayer

Dear Lord,

This morning’s prayer hits a little different.

With all that you’ve brought me and my family through over the past few weeks, I can’t thank you enough. Your word says that you will supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory and that no good thing would be withheld from us. Thank you for remaining true to your word and just in your dealings. Thank you for the resurrecting power that you extend on a daily basis. Honestly we are a little bruised, but not broken. Help us to remain focused on the healing power of your word and in the right frame of mind to understand how you are repositioning us for greater purpose.

This is my prayer today in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Morning Prayer- February 22, 2024

Dear Lord,

I am thankful and grateful for insight to improve my business processes. Thank you for showing me new and innovative ways to facilitate and deliver training classes and workshops. Thank you for easy automation and platforms that allow me to research and analyze as needed. I am thankful for the feedback that I receive from paid clients that allows me to grow and scale my business with intention and agility. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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Reflect & Write Affirmation Jars

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of delivering Affirmation Jars for our Reflect & Write breast cancer Survivors, Thrivers and Caregivers Valentine’s Day Celebration.
We donated 20 Affirmation Jars to a local non-profit organization that provides second chances to community members who’ve fallen on hard times.
By gifting our jars to this organization, we were able to empower the residents to sow seeds of love into the lives of their loved ones. The principle of “each one teach one” was in full effect!
 Checkout the BTS Reel below
The second half of our project is a monetary donation to the 2nd annual Hats and Dresses Tea for Pink Party hosted by Elizabeth House Foundation

You can support this wonderful organization by purchasing a ticket to attend.

Join me at this event for an afternoon of tea, fashion, and empowerment on March 23, 2024, from 11 am – 2 pm.
Let’s come together to support a great cause! We will be vending as this event under through our sister company, Planters with SOUL!



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Affirmation Jars for Valentines Day

Our upcoming Write & Reflect Valentine’s Day Celebration will now take place online. Although we did not meet our intended financial goal, our mission to create Affirmation Jars and to make a donation to a breast cancer awareness organization is still in full swing.

We have a request for 20-30 jars, currently we have 10. I made the decision to host the event online to reallocate funds for the purchase of additional materials.

You can still make a donation by clicking the link below.

Thank you to everyone who donated to this event. Your generosity is appreciated.

Be on the lookout for details about how to join this online event.