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Ok Break This Up & Get Back to Work


Dear Lord,

  In an ever-changing work culture, my prayer is that things will be fair for all people. Understanding that we are uniquely and wonderfully made and all experiencing life together but differently, fairness varies for each individual. I ask for your divine intervention that can move obstacles out of the way that hinder us from reaching our full potential. Give us a testimony oh God. Help us move from conflict to resolution and from chaos to peace. Help us find the assistance that we need to be impactful, productive and prosperous. It is so, In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Value: Fairness

Exhibit the value of fairness at work today by encouraging mutual respect amongst your team. Interact with your employees and colleagues in a way that makes them each feel seen, valued and heard.

Self-Care Tip of the Day:  Actively Listen

Listen to genuinely connect with others and not to respond to what they are saying. Alleviate a little pressure by leaving your superhero, problem solver cape at home for the day.

Daily Professional Goal:

Be transparent in business processes and eliminate any unfair practices.

In the news:

Has your company culture shifted to keep up with changing times. Have the rules in your office become more stringent as the world tries to compete with the fast-paced nature of AI?

Google CEO Sundar Pichai is ruffling feathers over at Google by no longer allowing employees to air their personal agenda at work, and he is placing business back at the top of the company’s list of things to do. Twenty-eight employees were recently fired after staging an in-office protest that aimed to demonstrate their freedoms to assembly and speak. While this type of demonstration has been welcomed in the past and has moved the company to take action in support of their employee’s points of view, those days have seemingly come to an end.

Pichai pinned the following message in a memo to his staff, “This is a business, and not a place to act in a way that disrupts coworkers or makes them feel unsafe, to attempt to use the company as a personal platform, or to fight over disruptive issues or debate politics.”

Reports state this change of culture is happening because AI has business leaders stressed as they attempt to strategize and keep up. This is quite a mixing bowl of occurrences, if we combine this change in culture with the recent ban of non-compete agreements, which allows employees to freely move between companies and take their valuable skills into the workforce and start their own companies.

This is quite the conundrum. I will certainly stay tuned in to see how this all plays out. Learn more about what’s happening at Google by clicking here.

Tips for advancement:

Model behaviors that set the tone for your day and your team.

  • Healthy work habits

  • Encouraging teamwork practices

  • Positive communication


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This Morning I Met a Fairy


Dear Lord,

 Your word says that I am uniquely and wonderfully made. Knowing this, I ask for wisdom and discernment to allow my unique gifts to shine through. I thank you for welcoming spaces and removed timidness. I thank you for open dialogue and room for growth and acceptance. I thank you for those much-needed nuggets of wisdom that keep me motivated and moving in the right direction. Lead me oh Lord, In Jesus Name. Amen.

Value: Uniqueness

Embrace your uniqueness by knowing what sets you apart from the crowd. How are you different, and what can you do to use that to your advantage?

Self-Care Tip of the Day: Speak Your Truth

What is your truth? What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What brings tears to your eyes?

It’s important to know these things about yourself and to embrace them. After your confident with who you are, Speak on it! Let others know who you are and what you stand for?

Daily Professional Goal:

This morning, I attended a networking event, and the role that I chose to present was Melissa Rivers, the Corporate Consultant. After a few introductions and hearing others share about their business, I began to adjust my narrative. See, I am so much more than a corporate consultant, I am a Creative Peace Coach. I often bypass sharing my self-assigned title because most people don’t get it. I learned today that the “get it” is in the story and not the title. One of the people that I met this morning stated that her cover page on LinkedIn is a Fairy because it truly represents her attitude and demeanor, and she chooses to show up authentically. After returning from my networking event, I updated my LinkedIn Cover and job title to Melissa A. Rivers, Creative Peace Coach. I bet if you google, you will not find another.

The truth is, I help highly exhausted, overwhelmed professionals find peace by taking inventory of where they currently are in life and work, the challenges they face each day and then take action to add more peaceful moments to their daily routine. That’s me, that’s what I do, and it brings me great joy!

Tips for advancement: Show up Authentically

Don’t allow fear to keep you stuck in a position or with a title that doesn’t fully represent your uniqueness and authenticity.


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Is Being Liked More Important Than Being Good at Your Job?

How to use this information: Use this resource to help add structure to your day and maintain a sense of peace when things become overwhelming. Start your day with a heartfelt prayer and then leverage your strengths and values to create a strong personal and professional strategy when life and work become exhausting. 


As the new week begins, I pray for opportunities of promotion and advancement in my work and healing and restoration in my family. With a keen focus on friendship, self-care and productivity I pray for minimal distractions, released guilt and ample opportunities to generate wealth. I pray for open doors that have remained closed and mountains of opposition to be removed. Lead me down a clear path to profitability.

Value: Friendship

Embrace the value of friendship to prevent isolation and loneliness and celebrate good times. Friendships can also provide support during bad times and increase your sense of belonging & purpose.

Self-Care Tip of the Day: Release feelings of guilt around self-love

It’s common for black women to experience feelings of guilt when it comes to doing the work to improve your well-being and take care of yourself. Society is great at making us feel like we are not deserving of good things unless we’ve worked ourselves tirelessly to receive them.

“She doesn’t beg, force or chase. She works, prays and has faith.”

Grab your journal and write down any feelings of guilt that arise when you take steps to take care of yourself. Ask yourself when and where did you learn to put the needs of others ahead of your own.

In the News:

In the Op-Ed, It’s Time to Admit That Being Liked Is More Important Than Being Good at Your Job,” by Jasmine Browley, some very valid points were made about how you show up in various spaces and how that can affect you both positively and negatively in your personal and professional lives.

Read the post below and let me know your thoughts

There’s much to be said about being likable.

It seems simple enough, but if you are a thought-provoking person with a mission to improve the norm and positively affect society by speaking on discrepancies and injustices, you might find out that you are not liked much at all. You might be respected, but probably not liked.

As a professional woman who has dedicated her adult career to effecting change, resolving conflict and coaching for more efficient outcomes, I can admit that I absolutely love to help break down barriers and generate solutions that make things easier for others. My life’s work can be summed up in one simple biblical verse, “if it is possible, as far as it depends on you (me) live at peace with everyone.” This verse fuels my passion to diligently work in the space of excellence, BUT that also comes with a high, personal price tag.

During a conversation with a friend, I was left thinking about how I present myself to others. She told me that I was not very approachable and that I do not give off a warm and fuzzy feeling. We were talking about relationships, and I was excited about a new potential dating relationship.

It was the first time that anyone shared this information with me, about me, and it made me think about my relationships, the various circles that I am involved in, and how I show up in each situation.

Professionally, I often show up as an individual contributor with a neutral perspective. This helps me navigate through issues with ease to generate solutions for challenges that affect multiple parties, BUT what I’ve learned is that my neutrality often spills into my personal, social engagements too.

Admittedly, it can be hard to turn off my “change management” brain when it comes to personal relationships. My heart always wants to be supportive, but my mind wants the best possible outcome and is often thinking about how things could be improved or changed for the better.

Tips for Advancement:

Here are three easy to implement actions that you can incorporate into your work routine to create more likability for yourself while you continue to do great work.

  1. When connecting on a personal level, turn off your professional brain. Put down your mental notepad and stay present in the moment

  2. If you struggle with personal connection, ask those you trust to hold you accountable to show up as your best possible self

  3. Before you speak and provide feedback about a situation, ask yourself the following: “If this information was being shared about me, how would it make me feel.”

Let’s Connect:

This information is shared in an effort to help you maintain a peaceful lifestyle in your work and business. To receive more information about our coaching programs and how we can help you achieve peace in your goals, visit: The Peace Boutique – Origins of Peace Coaching & Consulting Firm.

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Mind, Body & Spirit

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this life that you have given me. I appreciate your love, your guidance, and the purpose that you have laid on my heart to fulfill in this world. As I close out this work week, I appreciate the opportunities that I’ve had to imagine, create and execute. You are responsible for those opportunities, and I am grateful.

I am grateful to walk in purpose and make a positive impact while doing so. Your word says no good thing shall be withheld from me, and I believe that your word is true.

I look forward to resting this weekend and allowing you to replenish my mind, body and spirit. This is my prayer. Amen.

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Prepared to Win

“Every time you look up, you are going to see me winning.”

Grab your journal and your teacup, it’s time to create a plan.

What are you willing to do to ensure that you will be successful today?

I have a presentation later today that I hope lands a new contract for my company.

Of course, I’ve prayed about the opportunity and created a few resources that will make the presentation go smoothly, but to further ready myself for this opportunity, I’ve laid out my outfit, planned a trip to the car wash and I have a few personal errands to take care of later this morning to help me prepare.

Yep, first day of school excitement over here!

It’s one thing to sit back and wish upon a star for success, but it’s a whole different ballgame when it’s time to throw your hat in the ring.

My primary focus leading up to the event is to stay centered and focus my TEA (time, energy and attention) on positive results.

So, what am I brewing in my teacup?

  • T(Time) – I am designating time this morning to visualize what success looks like for me in this situation.

  • E(Energy) – I am directing my energy toward a positive head and heart space. My focus is on presenting a clear message, influencing the decision makers to select me and my company and then closing the deal.

  • A(Attention) – I am placing my full attention in the direction of success. No matter what obstacles come up today, I am focused on the goal and will stick to my plan in order to make it happen.

The goal is to win. Wish me luck.


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And So Shall It Be

And on this day Lord,

I am full of confidence in your plan for my life. I feel reassured knowing that your plans are for my good. You said that you will make my name great and that I will be blessed in the city and in the fields. This is confirmation for me to know that whatever room I am present in, you have gone ahead of me to straighten out the crooked places and to soften the hearts of those who need to hear my message.  I am ready Lord, and with you ordering my steps, I will not fail. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. Amen.

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Grow My Faith

Psalm 94.19 NASB – When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your comfort delights my soul.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for another opportunity to grow in faith. Thank you for your new mercies, your support and your grace as I rise and enter this day. Lord it is only because of you that I am here. This morning, I ask you to touch my mind and my heart so that I may be still and rest in your love. Help me to see that your timing is perfect for me and more than enough. Help me to be confident within myself, knowing that you have put me together with everything that is good and perfect. Thank you for the opportunity to be bold, to be sure, to be intentional and most of all, thank you for providing opportunities for me to be dependent on you. Not by my might or strength Lord, but only because of you. My faith is fully in tune with your will for my life. Help me to see it through. I love you and I thank you. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

~When we water anxious thoughts and give them life by clinging to them, we allow them to take root in our minds and grow.

“Be still and know that God is God!”

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Yes, You Can Master Your Thoughts

When you know what your personal strengths and opportunities are, you can empower yourself to utilize your potential in those areas to the fullest measure possible. It’s not always easy, but understanding who you are, your natural abilities and then taking accountability to improve in areas where you are challenged is a highly commendable feat to accomplish.

If you have ever heard the phrase “just take what you get and be satisfied,” let me issue a formal apology to you on behalf of whomever tried to minimize your worth. Taking whatever someone wants to give you, and just being satisfied with it is a good way to end up with crap. Crappy relationships, jobs, opportunities and a crappy life in general, BUT if you set goals and take intentional action to achieve them, you are setting the standard for yourself while also teaching people how to properly treat you.

To be clear, you will end up with some crap in life, but you can take action to minimize the amount of crap that you allow in.

For starters, ask yourself the following question, ” How will I win at life?” 

One method is to lean into your natural strengths and abilities in order to gain momentum and move forward.

In this post, I am providing three points of reflection that demonstrate how you can use your strengths to win at life. I am sharing my top 5 strengths, along with practical action steps that you can implement in order to win at life.

Melissa’s Top 5 Strengths

  • Ideation
  • Connectedness
  • Belief
  • Developer
  • Learner

For today’s reflection, I will focus on my number 5, Learner.

The Learner theme as defined by StrengthsFinders is a strength that is attributed to having a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve.

You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence.

People who possess this strength enjoy the process of learning. We find sheer delight in reading and acquiring knowledge; however, Learners can get stuck in the acquiring knowledge phase. We must deliberately stop being the student and intentionally move to implementation.

People who fail to create defined goals, does not find joy in their work or does not have clear direction, this can become a serious challenge.

For my Learners out there, try these 3 simple activities to gain motion in your life, career and relationships:

  1. Choose Intention over Exhaustion. Include a development plan in your vision boards and action plans and then go a step further and state how you plan to use the information that you desire to learn. For me personally, I had a goal this year to learn how to create marketing materials for by business. I took classes to learn the process. My immediate plan is to use this information to create promotional t-shirts announcing my upcoming book release and to introduce my luxury peace boutique.
  2. Sit still with the knowledge that you’ve gained. Before you jump into learning new information, get comfortable and competent with what you currently know. Put it to use and exercise using it regularly. I’ve recently completed requirements for my personal and executive coaching certification. The next phase of this certification is to acquire paying clients. To do this, it is a necessity for me to demonstrate my ability to be an effective coach that gets results. My current plan is to sit with this knowledge, continue building my coaching platform and use my newly acquired certification to impact the personal and professional lives of those who need my services.
  3. Immerse yourself in organizations that support what you’ve learned. Do your research and find out what people are doing with the information that you’ve learned. Find out if there are professional development organizations that you can join. This will help you gain confidence and different perspectives about the information that you’ve acquired. Additionally, you will learn about opportunities that exist to expand on what you already know.

Implementing these 3 simple steps will absolutely put you on the path to winning at life, as a Learner.

Do you know what your strengths are? You can get the information that you need to move forward by taking a strengths assessment and then setting up a quick call with me to discuss your results. Access the links below to begin your journey, both are free of charge.

2024 is your year to practice selflove by winning at life.  Let’s go!

Make Peace A Priority,


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Better Late Than Ugly

It’s the official kickoff of 2024 here at Origins of Peace.

Some may say we’re a little late in showing up, but I say better late than ugly. I am using ugly in the context of feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed and unprepared. That is certainly not the vibe that we aim to generate over here. Our intention is to show up with intention, purpose and of course Peace!

I like the feeling of kicking off the year after MLK Jr. Day. The theme of vision and purpose is set, so hey…that’s our que to make a grand entrance.

I wanted to spend a few minutes to re-introduce myself and let you know what Origins of Peace is all about.

I am Melissa Rivers, Creative Peace Coach and Founder of Origins of Peace, LLC. My mission is to help individuals close the gap between conflict and peace personally and professionally. I created the Peace by Design Coaching Academy where I provide personal development coaching (Peaceful Lifestyle) professional development coaching (Peaceful Profits) and teambuilding workshops (Peaceful Collaborations). You can learn more by visiting my website.

Additionally, I am a Corporate Contractor, certified in facilitation, change management and process improvement. I use these highly sought after skills to develop learning and development courses for corporate clients.

One of my favorite things to do is to empower Survivors of breast cancer. Being a Survivor, I find it very beneficial to stay connected to this community and reach back to offer a hand of support where I can.

Personally, I am on a journey to show up AUTHENTICALLY by investing in my health, finances and relationships. As I strive to be more transparent in my business, some of my personal endeavors might show up in this blog because, it’s all about my origins of peace. We all have them.

I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. All links are listed below. As you go about your day, remember this: “God is with you every step of the way.”

Peace & Blessings for a happy, exciting and peaceful year,


#cre8apeacemap #originsofpeace



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Today We Honor the Life of MLK Jr.

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus”. ~MLK Jr.